Danette Baker
Adjunct Faculty in Theatre * School of Performing Arts
Wichita State University * College of Fine Arts
1845 Fairmount * Wichita, KS * 67260-0153
danette.baker@wichita.edu * (316) 978-3414
THEA 218:  Stage Movement
THEA 143
Art of the Theatre
THEA 243
Acting One
Stage Movement
3 credit hours
WSU Theatre Website
WSU College of Fine Arts Box Office
WSU School of Performing Arts Website
Stage Movement is part of the over-all training of an actor, focusing on the most visible and tangible instrument of the actor: the body and the body in space.

Course Description
Stage Movement is a fundamental movement course for the student performer. Emphasis is placed on developing within the actor an understanding of his/her body as an instrument of expression and communication, and enhancing the actor’s ability to use his/her instrument. Course encompasses exercises and explorations based on a variety of techniques for developing body and spatial awareness and use, including but not limited to Neutral Mask, Laban and Viewpoints.

Course Objectives
1. Increase physical freedom, range of motion and release of tension though various exercises and movement explorations
2. Understand the concept of and learn to acquire a state of readiness (neutrality) allowing for a more receptive state of being
3. Understand and develop the expressive and communicative ability of all parts of the body, not just the hands and face
4. Understand and develop the concepts of gesture, spatial relationships, storytelling through composition
5. Kinesthetic skills for actors as they apply to performance: use of space, time, weight
6. Physical conditioning

Course Goals
1. Learn to evaluate the elements of movement and how they can enhance performance.
2. Perform solo work and scenes utilizing aspects of movement to create/reveal character, situation & relationships.
3. Increased personal fitness. Each student is required to develop a personal fitness routine to be followed throughout the semester. I recommend setting up a Fitness Consultation with the fitness staff at the Heskett Center. There is a $20.00 fee for this consultation. Call 978-5278. You will keep a weekly fitness journal tracking your work in this area.
4. Self-evaluations: One at the beginning of the semester articulating where you think you are (physically and theatrically), what you hope to accomplish, how you will work to get what you want, etc. One at the end of the semester again articulating where you think you are now (physically and theatrically), what you feel you accomplished, how well you worked to get what you wanted, etc. The final evaluation could also include references to concepts, ideas, physical exercises, and or techniques that contributed to your personal growth. Both evaluations should identify and discuss individual strengths and weaknesses (hence self evaluation).
(My business website)